Friday, November 9, 2012

What exactly is natural

x        So that question that lingers from home to home, it rings out like a bell from each and ever natural woman's computer and  follows all the way to the hair salon. That nerve wrecking question that many ask and multiple answers are recorded. What is natural?

Going into this transition is never easy, not for anyone  When you think about it, many of you had been so used to having straight roots and or weekly maintenance to the dome. Then came a wavy resolution, the natural girls. That kinky curly nappy look was on the boom and now everyone wants to fight about how your supposed to be natural. How do you go natural? That is the question. Well in my opinion, there is no right or wrong way. Well all were blessed with different hair types, lengths colors and we are just straight up different. One year ago, I would have said that Going natural means to do nothing but wash and go, co wash and oil your hair till you look like Jerome from martin.
Now I say, what difference does it make. I personally do not use any type of relaxer on my hair. I recently stopped using commercial shampoo and conditioner and I said goodbye to any kind of moisturizer that contains stripping agents, or drying chemicals.  I wear protective styles when I don't want to be bothered with my doo, and If I feel like  no chemical straightening once a year, then I do. I hardly see any cause for natural jaws to drop and that infamous  ewwwww glare. Oh my goodness, she is not natural, with that no chemical straight hair? 

           Be natural how you do it!!!!!

I have grown to relive that many put naturals in this little box, set rules and expect people to follow in rank. Be natural how it works for you. There are no rules with this, as your hair is not quite the same as everyone else's. So why should you have to do how they do? Be natural and make it work for you.

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